Monday, May 19, 2014

Swallows, of a Different Sort

 These are also swallows, but not Tree Swallows. These are Barn Swallows, which you can differentiate from Tree Swallows easily, by their color; notice the rusty color around their face, throat and to a lesser extent, their sides. Also, their blue is a different hue than that of the Tree Swallow. Barn Swallows have longer, quite noticeably forked, tails. I have posted their photos here because there have been several flying around the smaller pond each day that I have checked nestboxes, so you may notice them on your visit to the park and nestbox trail. Barn Swallows build nests from mud and grasses (notice the photo above; the swallow is sitting on the edge of the nest). They build in rafters of barns, under decks, over porches under bridges and other such structures. Go exploring and see if you can find any Barn Swallow nests! (Disclaimer: These photos are from a different location!)

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