Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Free Mealworms!

Bluebirds, along with other birds, LOVE to eat mealworms. Mealworms can be purchased from bird seed stores, feed stores, or from many online sources. However, if you join the North American Bluebird Society, you will receive a coupon or two for some free mealworms (you do have to pay for the shipping, which is about $6).  So, if you are interested in supporting bluebirds, and you would like to try feeding mealworms, click on the link and get started.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

First Box Check

I checked the boxes today to see if there were any signs of roosting, or signs of mice invasions, but came up empty. The boxes are clean and ready for some tenants. There were several bluebirds flying around the area, so hopefully, they will pick out their preferred boxes in the coming weeks.

Friday, February 21, 2014

New Tenants?

Today I observed two Eastern Bluebirds sitting in close proximity to one set of the nestboxes. Will they use the boxes? Only time will tell.

If you happen to be in the park and notice any bird activity near the boxes, leave a note under comments, please.

Spring is on the way.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Boxes

Here are some looks at the boxes, in case you have not braved the snow, cold and wind to go see them.  Some people have asked why the boxes are in pairs.  The reason the boxes are "paired" is that there are also Tree Swallows in this area, and they will use the same boxes as Eastern Bluebirds.  When boxes are paired, such as this arrangement, Tree Swallows will use one box and Eastern Bluebirds will use the other. By arranging the boxes this way, we up the chances of Bluebirds nesting and not being crowded out by the Tree Swallows. Hopefully, we will see both of these species using the boxes this year!

A special "thank-you" to the Peters Township Parks & Recreation Department and Department of Public Works for working with me on this project.